Thursday, June 18, 2009

Summer.....So far

Hey, well how is your Summer so far? ( Ya right Summer,it's been nothing but rain.)
My "Summer" has been....well.....fine. Just fine.

The first week of Summer i went to Arizona. I LOVED it. it was nothing but fun! well....almost.... there was fire alarms, musical beds, floors, and well the rest was pretty fun!

We also got family pictures! (Not that fun)
The second week nothing happpened really. I went to the dinosour museum at Thanksgiving point with eden. ( we splashed in the little sand erosion thing) Then two days later with Madison and Ms. decker.

The third week well is BOARING!!! Nothing plus one of my friends is gone! for well i'm not sure.


Jory and Chani said...

You're so cute! What are you doing having your own blog?! Now you just got to keep it updated!

Holly said...

We hope you have a fun summer. Don't forget to help your mom.

We love you!