Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Snow...Snow and more snow!

This morning i awoke to.......snow. Don't get me wrong i love the snow but...... i dont like alot of snow. It was about a foot...thats what i woke up to alhtough it is still snowing! Snow is what makes me wish it was summer again.. when all the family comes up, and when it actually gets above 32 degrees....... And since i probably won't be one till after Christmas (for sure thats when we get all the pictures) so Merry Christmas! To all on the 24th a sleepless night.

A picture of the wonderous fun of summer...... or 2 summers ago.


Hannah said...

Mean while that pic looks EXACTLY like what i'm in right now-ha ha-Merry Christmas BFFL

Anonymous said...

That snow is so crazy high! u look like u were haveing fun!